Why Should You Go On A Caravan Trip During The Summers? 

April 30, 2022

The summer season is here, and of course one wants to beat the heatwave of the cities and head to the hill stations with friends and family. Surely, this sounds like fun, but however, one needs thorough planning to get on a summer trip. Also, this implies taking care of aspects such as the budget, booking the hotels, and taking care of the transport. With summer being the peak season for tourists, flight and hotel prices are soaring, which can create a roadblock on the summer plans this year. To avoid all these excess prices, it will be best to go on a caravan trip to the summer destinations in India.

You might be hesitant to take a caravanning road trip in India during the summers. We will be explaining further in the article why taking a road trip with Carawander is the best, fun, viable, and economical option to travel in the summers. 

Let us understand why :

1.No need of planning as per availability  

A large part of the tourist population travels via train. However, during the summer months, it is nearly impossible to take long journeys if you do not have reservations in the AC compartments. Mostly, it gets full and travelling via sleeper is extremely claustrophobic, unsafe, and unhygienic during the heated summertime. 

Based on the availability chart and reservation of seats, you have to plan your travel accordingly.  

However, caravan prices or reservation does not fluctuate with the availability of seats. With Carawander, your plans to visit summer destinations in India do not have to change.  You can seamlessly book your dates and pay the rent as per your scheduled itinerary. 

2.It is more economical than other modes of transport 

When you are travelling solo, somehow, you can manage the price hike of flights and special trains, but when travelling with a big or small group that includes family members or friends, it is not always viable. Some people in the group may not be able to afford or chip in the share of expensive flight or train tickets. This can totally nip the fun out of your summer travel plans.  

Caravan prices in India are way more economical for travellers going for trips with their big or small groups of families. You can easily divide the per-day vehicle rent amongst yourself. With Carawander, travellers can choose the different vehicles to go on a summer trip. 

The Rolling Paradise caravan vehicle can go anywhere in India and accommodates a big group of six to eight travellers, and the cost per pay is Rs 20000. In addition, you also get petrol free for 500 kms. 

3.You can save money on hotels, food, and local transport 

You might feel hesitant after knowing Carawander’s caravan rental prices per day for travelling to the summer destinations in India. But, if you carefully look into the facilities you are getting, caravanning is actually a viable option.  

For instance, if you are travelling to multiple destinations, you need to book multiple hotels or resorts. Also, after getting down from the flight or train, you will need to hire cabs or travel via public transport to travel locally. In remote or offbeat regions, hotel prices and local cab fares during the peak tourist seasons are extremely high.  Even if you have a single destination to explore, you will still have to arrange for accommodation and local transport. This comes along with expenses for daily meals.  

With Carawander, you are getting a motel on wheels. You do not have to pay variable charges for choosing AC or non-AC hotel rooms. The caravan vehicle can go anywhere as long you have a parking permit. With a kitchen, fridge, and entertainment amenities, you can experience comfort and luxury compared while travelling on the road.  

With all these options, you will only have to pay the caravan rental cost to travel anywhere in India, and the rest of the money on transport, food, and accommodation gets completely saved.

4.Fully equipped for comfort 

Carawander’s camper van vehicles are well-equipped to give you the utmost comfort while travelling during the summer months.  Both the vehicles, Rolling Paradise and Mini-Wanderlust, have the necessary amenities so that travellers can beat the heat on their road trips. The camper-vans are spacious, well-lit, and have proper ventilation so that there is airflow and the vehicle does not get heated up while moving on the road.  

The air-conditioning and fans also help you stay cool and in comfort while you are travelling. 

5.Suitable for all 

Travelling can be tedious during the summer months. If you are travelling with kids and elderly people, they might find trains, buses, and cars to be uncomfortable for a long road trip.  

Caravanning is suitable for people of all age groups. They can sleep and rest comfortably and mitigate the fatigue and lack of privacy that happens while travelling on public road transport.  

Book your summer road trip with Carawander! 

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