Caravanning: Budget and Eco-Friendly Travel Option

October 29, 2021

In 2020, everything changed. We started looking at the financial and environmental situations even more closely. And if we do not start to take action, we might be facing drastic actions of climate change. 

The travel and tourism industry is expensive and also produces a large amount of waste and carbon footprint which affects the environment. We need to alter the way we travel.

This World Savings Day, let us see why caravanning is a money-saving and eco-friendly option:

1. No Need To Book Different Vehicles 

When you are on a road trip, we may need to book different vehicles for different locations. If you have more people, you might have to book extra. Is it not a big waste of money?

In a caravan, you can take your group of friends and family to travel in one vehicle across multiple locations which saves your money.

2. Reduced Carbon Emission

When you are travelling with a big group, you may have to book more vehicles to travel either to multiple destinations or for local travelling. Each vehicle will produce tonnes of carbon emission leading to air pollution. Travelling collectively through a caravan reduces the amount of carbon emission into the environment.

3. Alternative Energy Usage

At Carawander, we promise all the luxury and comfort. However, we use alternative energy sources to generate electricity in the caravan. Our caravans have solar power panels installed. It ensures a known carbon footprint is generated.

4. Save Money On Food And Accommodation

Be it a solo or group trip, you will be spending money staying in different hotels and managing your meals either by ordering in or by going to restaurants. 

This becomes costly while travelling on a budget. The caravan is an accommodation itself where you can sleep and take a bath. It comes with a kitchen, microwave, and fridge. You can cook one day and store it for another day. There is no need to pay for different hotels and meals.

5. Reduce Wastage

While travelling, we tend to waste food and water resources. This leads to the generation of wastes. Since caravans have a kitchen where you can cook food as per your need. In case of excess food, you do not have to throw it as you can store it in the fridge and heat it up later.

Rather than travelling on trains and aeroplanes, caravanning is a more sustainable and economical way to travel. It reduces the wastage of money and natural resources. Such alternative ways of travelling help to reduce carbon footprint.

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